Ahh, Youth

I’ve been playing so much guitar of late, it’s been pushing drawing and writing off my plate. Funny how real opportunity cost feels as I get older. Time feels abundant as a youth.
Anywho, here’s an old drawing I found in my files. It’s good to be young!
Back soon.
This long COVID winter…

This long COVID winter…
… has been a beast: filled with hard times for so many, me included.
I was forced to make some changes—all for the better, in truth—and though the uncertainty was troubling while everything was in flux, I’m happy to have made it through.
I suppose we all know the feeling. Everyone gets their turn in the crucible. Powerlessness, disappointment. All the Buddhist books I read and podcasts I listened to couldn’t take the feeling away. But they did give me permission to sit with it. To find space in the discomfort to breathe. Which is a lot in a moment of contraction.
On the creative front, I did complete another pass at my novel-in-process. So all was not lost. At 52,000+ words, it’s a heavy lift. I believe it will take another draft, or two. Gonna set it aside for a spell, come back to it with fresh eyes. Though I’d love to be done, it’s not a race.
For the moment, I’m delighting in electric guitar. Amazing how much pleasure a $90 warped neck axe can give. Woo!
I hope you’re doing well, too. Or at least the best you can. Spring is here. Thanks for checking in. Back with another note soon…
Independent Publishers of New England

I’m excited to share that I was recently recognized by the Independent Publishers of New England and will receive one of their grants. Hurray!!
IPNE is a wonderful organization.
Check ’em out!
Simple Pleasures

Simple Pleasures
The older I get, the more I appreciate the simple things.
Seen here on a sunny February day, our dog goes for a ride and sticks her head out the window.
All I can think is how great it feels to make this happen for her.
Taos, New Mexico

Taos, New Mexico
Taos, New Mexico holds a special place in my heart. The landscape is mind-boggling. The history is complex, multi-cultural, troubling, caring, and rich in lessons for us all. The people are amazing.
I love, love, love it there.
So I thought to share this photo taken on a quiet snowy morning on the Taos Pueblo. To remind me of this place I love.
Electric Guitar In My Life

Electric Guitar In My Life
It’s been a minute since my last post. Lots happening, of course.
I’m hard at work on my next book. It’s a doozy. So it may take a year or two before it’s ready to share. Hang with me.
In the meantime, I’m strumming this electic guitar when I need a break. So much fun.
My fingers hurt. Wack buzzy sounds in every direction. And the occasional clean progression that rings true, too.
Being a beginner again is the best. It’s slow. It’s clunky and ham-fisted. But the gains are many. And, you know, learning feels good.
Back from China — Big City Lights

Back from three amazing weeks in China.
It was my first trip and I’m excited to visit again.
Truly amazing.
An Old Drawing

An Old Drawing
I dug up a digital copy of this pencil drawing from years ago (2005?).
What fun to find old work kickin’ around the corners of the hard drive!
Thinking I should start making time to draw again… Or get in shape…
Art or fitness? Art or fitness?
Potato, Tomato, and Squash

Potato, Tomato, and Squash
2018 has been a great year in the garden. Lots of work; lots of delicious food for family and friends.
This past weekend, I gathered the potato, tomato, and squash seen here. They struck me as an elegant suite of colors, so I paused for a quick photo. Right after rinsing, freshly picked vegetables sometimes seem to glow.
A simple life’s alright.
Introducing Mango and Fudgy

Introducing Mango and Fudgy
Mango and Fudgy are our closest neighbors. They live in the field at the end of our driveway. They’re awesome.
This morning Mango asked if you can still be an artist if you don’t follow the art world.
I dunno, I said. Not sure it matters.
Well… if you need us we’ll be over here in the shade, Fudgy said. It’s awful hot today.